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With contributions by  Luci Cavallero and Verónica Gago, Ochy Curiel; Yuderkys Espinosa; Silvia González (Casa Latina / Mujeres sin Fronteras); Nahuala Indómita; and Diarenis Calderón Tartabull, Makeba Lavan, A. Tito Mitjans Alayón, Violeta Orozco Barrera, Conor Tomás Reed, and Layla Zami.

"In strategic kinship from Bogotá to Mexico City, Berlin to Havana, Brooklyn to San Juan, Buenos Aires to Seattle, and beyond, these LÁPIZ N˚8 contributors sing of potencia, not poder—“power with, not power over”—to anchor us in feminist ideas and actions as we navigate overlapping crises . . . . In a testament to their lasting lucidity, these pieces remain a reference point to navigate a new series of entwined upheavals. The coalitional spirit of these compas’ pedagogical lessons—their We (fem) and Yo colectivo
protagonism—is as much about our beloved communities as our locations of study and movement. . . . We invite LÁPIZ readers to conspire and act purposefully, with both patience and urgency, in these pivotal times."

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