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The diversity of Latin American peoples and the region’s political, cultural, and economic achievements and challenges have shaped unique education philosophies and practices. Likewise, a variety of education philosophies and practices have had enormous sociological, political and economic impacts on the region. This rich educational tradition remains  largely unknown beyond the Latin American context. LAPES promotes the dissemination of Latin American education philosophies and practices by facilitating South-South and North-South dialogue. Through its symposia, journal, publications and translations, it provides scholars, students, practicing teachers, and activists from across the Americas opportunities to advance  Latin American philosophies of education and educational practices.

We believe that by studying Latin American philosophies of education, scholars, teachers, activists, and students can expand their own ways of theorizing education and develop programs and strategies  for transforming educational practices in the United States and elsewhere. To advance this premise, LAPES aims to provide a platform and resources to people inquiring into Latin American questions on philosophy of education through our symposia, journal, and growing network of students, teachers, and activists.

LAPES was founded in 2012 by PhD students and activists at Teachers College, Columbia University. Recognizing that in the United States, Global South education theory is often ignored and/or silenced, and having had the opportunity to study and work in Latin America, the original members of LAPES formed the collective to contest epistemic suppression and actively promote Latin American and Caribbean education theory.


Originally hosted by The Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER/Columbia University), LAPES has grown into an international collective and is now based in the Educational Foundations & Policy Studies Department at West Chester University (Pennsylvania, USA).


Since its inception LAPES has hosted conferences on decolonial education theory, post-neoliberal education possibilities, schools as sites of struggle, and Global South pedagogical practices, amongst other themes. In addition to its annual journal LÁPIZ, LAPES has published a book on Mexican philosophies of education and members have translated books by Walter Kohan and Enrique Dussel. Committed to the principle that knowledge is no one's property, LAPES events are free and our publications are open access.




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Jason Thomas Wozniak 


Coordinating Collective

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective 

Jason Thomas Wozniak, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Foundations and Policy Studies Department at West Chester University. He is a theorist of education debt and a longtime anti-debt activist who has worked on various national campaigns for tuition-free higher education such as Occupy University and The Debt Collective.

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David Isaac Backer


Coordinating Collective 

David I. Backer is a co-founder of LAPES. He is Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Foundations of Education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania's Department of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies. A co-translator of Enrique Dussel's The Pedagogics of Liberation with Cecilia Diego, you can read more of his research on education and ideology here.


Cecilia G. Diego


Coordinating Collective

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective 

Cecilia G. Diego is an independent researcher and constant seeker of alternatives to schooling. She is a founding member of the collective Esto no es una escuela, a platform that promotes learning alternatives outside school, and Apprentice, an endeavor to vindicate one-on-one education (tutoring). She is adjunct professor at Universidad Panamericana and Universidad Anahuac in México City. Along with David I. Backer, she translated Enrique Dussel’s Pedagogics of Liberation.

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D. Bret Leraul

Coordinating Collective

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Co-Managing Editor, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective

Bret Leraul, PhD is a cultural critic and Assistant Professor of Comparative Humanities at Bucknell University. His current project looks at the reproduction of humanist knowledge systems in the Southern Cone in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries through the idea of the university and its crises, the literary-critical system, and the institutionalization of theory as they relate to the neoliberal experimentation that has characterized the region since the coups d'état of the early 1970s. Read more about his research and teaching here


Rafael Vizcaíno

Coordinating Collective

 Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Rafael Vizcaíno is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at DePaul University. His work focuses on Latin American and Caribbean philosophy, especially decolonial thought, and on theories of secularization and postsecularity. He earned his PhD from Rutgers University – New Brunswick in 2020.

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Conor Tomás Reed

Coordinating Collective

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Co-Managing Editor, LÁPIZ

Conor Tomás Reed is a Puerto Rican/Irish multi-gendered street scholar and freedom maker who teaches Africana Studies and American Studies at Brooklyn College. Conor is a contributing editor with LÁPIZ Journal and Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, and a participant in Free CUNY and Rank and File Action (RAFA). Conor is developing a book about Black, Puerto Rican, and Women’s Studies and movements at the City College of New York and in New York City from 1960 to the present, as well as a trilingual anthology of Black Women’s Studies in the Americas and the Caribbean during this period.

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Tomas Rocha

Coordinating Collective

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective

Tomas Rocha is an assistant professor at the University of Washington College of Education. His current work examines contemplative education from a cross-cultural perspective, drawing from Ancient Greek conceptions of theoria, contemporary notions of hybrid mindfulness, and the analysis of Latin American testimonio. He earned his PhD from Teachers College, Columbia University. 

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Sheeva Sabati

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective

Sheeva Sabati, PhD is a feminist and critical ethnic studies scholar of education. Her research examines the role of U.S. universities as key institutions in cohering racial-colonial violence and considers the role of knowledge production in upholding universities as ethical institutions. Her current project considers the ethical tensions of "public land grant" universities on stolen indigenous land. Sheeva is Assistant Professor of Anti-Racist Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education at California State University, Sacramento.

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Davíd Morales

Coordinating Collective

Davíd Morales is a PhD student in the Race, Inequality, and Language in Education program at Stanford University. His work and interests revolve around subversive pedagogies, zapatismo, urban and popular schooling, and movement building across borders. He is a former public high school language teacher and currently serves as an instructor in the Stanford Teacher Education Program. Davíd is involved in community organizing through Colectivo Zapatista San Diego and Project YANO (Youth And Non-military Opportunities).

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Anna Brotman-Krass

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Anna Brotman-Krass is a Romance Languages & Literatures PhD student and artist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Her research is situated within transatlantic feminist movements and focuses on the role of performance in activism. Anna's research deals with issues relating to migration, politics of care, domestic labor, and experimental filmmaking. In this research, collaborates with a group of activists and domestic workers in Madrid, Spain to make films at these intersections.

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Cristina Sánchez-Martin

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Cristina Sánchez-Martín is assistant professor of English at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her work involves thinking about language, literacy, and identities through expansive and decolonial orientations to create more equitable dynamics. She is also interested in community-engaged, public, and multilingual scholarship.

Miguel Ángel Blanco Martínez

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Events + Conferences Collective

Miguel Ángel Blanco Martínez is a doctoral candidate in at Columbia University in the department of Latin Americana and Iberian Cultures and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. His thesis approaches ephemeral arts and activism in contemporary Spain through a queer feminist lens. He holds an MA (GEMMA Erasmus Mundus) in Women's and Gender Studies from the Universities of Oviedo and Utrecht and a double BA in Humanities and Translation/Interpretation from the University Pablo de Olavide. In addition to his work as a feminist translator, he is a sometime poet and amateur actor.


Stephanie M. Huezo

Coordinating Collective

Stephanie M. Huezo is an Assistant Professor at Fordham University. Her research interest focuses on community organizing, Central American revolutions, and immigrant activism. She is currently working on a manuscript that examines how Salvadoran community organizers in both El Salvador and the diaspora have used popular education to create spaces of belonging when state systems and narratives neglect to do so. She is also a member of the Popular Education Collective at the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. Huezo received her PhD in History from Indiana University in 2019.

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Walter Omar Kohan

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Walter Omar Kohan did his PhD in Philosophy for Children, mentored by Prof. Dr. Matthew Lipman. He has Post-doctoral Studies in Philosophy at the University of Paris 8. Since 2002 he is Full Professor of Philosophy of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He was Fellow Researcher at University of British Columbia, 2017-8 and has been visiting professor at different universities in Italy, France, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.


Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón

Coordinating Collective

Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailón is Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. His research centers on the decolonial turn and Latin American epistemologies with a special focus on the intersections of zapatista metaphorical knowledge, poetic epistemologies and epistemologies from teachers


Eloisa Aguirre

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ

Eloisa Aguirre is a Seattle-local Community Organizer and Educator. Eloisa is starting their Master's Degree program in Education Leadership & Policy Studies at the University of Washington College of Education, Autumn 2023. They are dedicated to the abolition of prisons and all systems of oppression that serve settler colonial and white supremacy. Their academic work centers Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples and their curricula are based on the teachings of bell hooks and Paulo Freire.

Ariana González Stokas 

Co-Founder; Coordinating Collective

Anuar Juraidini

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ 

Derek Ford

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ 

Scott Henstrand

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ 


Pedro Monque

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ 

Daniela Anaya

Editorial Collective, LÁPIZ 

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